
As already mentioned, this book will focus exclusively on the Windows version, as it contains all the database management and editing tools.

First go to, download the latest setup of the program, launch it and follow the installation wizard. Then launch the Nios4 program by double-clicking on the desktop icon.

At this point the first initialization process will be launched.

This procedure will set the user up and create the first database.

D-One account creation

During the initialization phase, the screen to enter your D-One account will appear. You can also proceed anonymously – this will inform the program that it will not connect to the cloud network, but will only work locally.

In order to access the cloud databases, you’ll need to enter your credentials. Once validated, if the program finds valid cloud data it will switch to the login screen. If the user does not have a cloud database or has just created their account, the system will switch to the selection of the database to create.

Nios4 cannot function without at least one starting database.

Database model selection

Once the access type has been set, the screen for selecting the type of database to be created will be displayed. In the first installation several options are disabled, only allowing you to choose online templates or upload a template from a file.

The online templates are a collection of preconfigured databases proposed directly by D-One. These templates allow you to be immediately operational and can be used as a starting point for modifications and adaptations according to your needs, from small data management to the administration of the entire company.

The selectable database templates are already filtered by language and, if necessary, by currency.

After selecting the template, the program will create the new database.

Depending on the type chosen, additional configuration screens may appear, such as the window to enter company data or set the number of counters in the master data and any calculation constants.

These screens can be skipped via the appropriate link and the data can always be edited in the Options menu.

Database access

Once everything is configured correctly, the program will display the login and database access screen.

In the upper left part under the logo, there are links to download or access other versions of the program. Just below is the database selection, username and password.

If anonymous access is chosen at the first installation, the program will automatically create an administrator user to log in. The access data are username: admin and password: admin.

In case the database is the cloud type, you will need to enter the D-One access credentials created previously.

Please note that the user accessing the database does not necessarily match the D-One account data. Since during the first installation the D-One account and the database were created simultaneously, the access data will be practically always the same, but special cases may arise that would differentiate the two accounts.

The program will suggest the last database accessed at each opening. Normally the program uses the access files as a database and at login it will check that they are accessible. However, if one of the files is not accessible, it will not be displayed in the drop-down list and the first accessible file will be selected.

As previously stated, Nios4 must always have at least one database connected in order to work properly.

In case the selected database is cloud type and has never been opened, the program will automatically launch synchronization to recover the data and save it in the local copy.