Basic Functions

Basic functions and commands to be used for creating prints.

Insert a table

Position the cursor on the point where you want to insert the table, click the right mouse button, move the mouse to Insert and select Table: the window will open from which you can set the characteristics of the table.

Number of columns

Indicates the number of columns that the table will have.

Number of rows

Indicates the number of rows that the table will have.

Column width

Indicates the width of the columns. You can set it to fit the page width in percentage mode or with a fixed value.


Additional table options.


Indicates that the table will have a header.

Allow row to break across pages

Indicates that the table is broken by moving to another page.

After inserting the table, you can change its style and other parameters by selecting it, clicking with the right mouse button and choosing the Format table item: it is possible to manage the borders, the background and the internal margins of the cell, etc.

Instead of the entire table, it is possible to make all the changes also for a part of the cells or for one of them by selecting only those that you want to modify.

To change the width of both the single cell and the entire column: click with the right mouse button and click Cell width or Column width according to what you want to change. A window will open in which to write the desired number and press Ok.

Eliminate a table

To delete a cell, position the cursor on the cell, press the right mouse button, move the mouse over Delete and click on Cell.

To delete a column, position the cursor on one of the cells of the column, press the right mouse button, move the mouse over Delete and click on Column.

To delete a row, position the cursor on one of the cells of the row, press the right mouse button, move the mouse over Delete and click on Row.

To delete the table, position the cursor on a cell, press the right mouse button, move the mouse over Delete and click on Table.

Divide a table

The function allows you to divide the table in two. Position yourself on the row that will become the bottom of the table and give the command. The program will cut the table in two by adding a space between them.

Insert a row in the table

To insert a row after creating the table, you can choose whether to insert it before or after the selected row: position yourself on one of the cells, press the right mouse button, move the mouse over Insert, choose the Row item and click on Before or on After according to where you want to insert.

Insert a column in the table

To insert a colimn after creating the table, you can choose whether to insert it before or after the selected column: position yourself on one of the cells, press the right mouse button, move the mouse over Insert, choose the Column item and click on Before or on After according to where you want to insert.

Insert an image

To insert an image, position the cursor on the desired point, click the right mouse button, move the mouse over Insert and click on Image: a window will open in which it will be possible to choose the image to insert from the device.

After inserting it, you can change the image format by clicking on it with the right mouse button and selecting Image format: a window will open in which you can change the parameters.

Insert a barcode

To insert a bar code, position the cursor on the desired point and click the right mouse button, move the mouse over Insert and click on Bar code: a window will open where you can choose parameters such as the field from which generate the code and format. This feature is only available for Windows devices.

Insert a field

You can insert fields both inside and outside of a table: position the cursor at the point where you want to insert the field and click on the field you chose from the window on the right. You can change the style and format via the menu above or by pressing the right mouse button on it.

Delete a field

Click on the field to be deleted, press the right mouse button and click on Delete field.

Insert special fields

Special fields are types of data not associated with tables but managed directly by the print. Based on the field included in the print generation phase, the actual value will be entered, for example, the current page or the number of total pages.