Let's create the basis

Now that we have installed and configured the program, we are ready to create the base of our management.

Once you are logged in you will find such a screen:

What interests us is the database shortcut button on the colored band at the top left where the name of the currently open database is located.

Database creation

Click on the icon and choose New local database.

The program will show the first screen where you can choose whether to create a new database, connect an existing one or manage the connection in an advanced way (e.g. to connect an SQLServer database).

Choose the first item and click the Next button.

In this screen the program asks which source the new database will be created from.

We are interested in creating an empty database and then we will leave the first entry selected.

The second entry allows you to create an exact copy of the currently open database. This way, you can copy both the structure and the data and thus have a copy of the changes made up to that moment.

The third item allows you to choose from online template, as we saw in the previous chapter.

Choose the first entry and press Next and proceed to enter the name of the new database.

The name of the database is important because it will help you identify it. If you put a name that is already present, you will not be able to continue. For our example, let's put "ERP" and press Next.

The program will ask if we want to open it. We say yes and we enter the username admin and password admin, the default data that the program creates for a new local management.

While the password can be changed, the user name must remain admin. This user will have free access to all options and can then create and modify any part of the database at his discretion. He can also create other local users and give them the same privileges.

By creating an empty database, the program will look like this:

As you can see there are all the main buttons of the program but no section is usable. This is because the sections are data display modes within the tables and, as there are no sections yet, there can be no sections.

At the bottom right you can also see that the database has a BASICEN type seed and is the one that is applied to empty databases to allow the program to identify the cost of the license and of the possible cloud subscription.

In the next chapter we will start building the tables and their sections in order to start interacting with the data.