
The program allows you to create reports by crossing the data of the tables. Standard or scripted reports can be created, that is, created through the LUA programming language.

To view the reports, press the appropriate button next to the Options and choose the report to be loaded from the bar. Enter the filter data and view the results.

To add and edit reports, use the specific page in the Options section.


The name of the report that will be displayed.


The label that will be used to group the reports under one heading.


The devices where the report will be displayed.


The type of report.


The permission category associated with the report.


The link to set the report parameters according to the type.

Each type of report has specific parameters based on the type of processing it will perform.

The reports currently available are:

Make sums on values starting from a Subtable field.

Extrapolates data from an additional table (e.g.: extrapolate how many items have been sold within invoices in a range filtered by date).

It sums up a table with the possibility of applying filters.

It is used to extrapolate data from an additional table with the possibility of filtering for a Text field.

It is used to make sums on values starting from a sub-table with the possibility of adding filters starting from descriptive fields.

It is used to make sums on values starting from a sub-table with the possibility of adding filters starting from textual fields.

Script type reports are a group of programs that allow you to completely customize the filter interface and processing.