Common parameters

All fields have common parameters and specific parameters.

Pressing the Parameters button or double clicking in the grid on the desired field will open the management window. Remember that the display parameters can be managed directly within the data form editor.

Table Name

The name of the table where the field was created. Following creation of the field this value can no longer be changed.

Field Type

The type of field identifies the type of value that will be stored within it. Remember that the choice of type limits the possible changes that can be made. An example: a text field can be transformed into a note field since both manage alphanumeric values, but it cannot be transformed into a numeric field since the values belong to different families.

Certain fields, which in addition to storing information perform automatisms on the data, cannot change their type.

Numeric identifier of the field

None = -1

Text = 0

Notes = 1

Image = 2

Percentage = 3

Check = 4

Currency = 5

Color = 6

Date = 18

IntegerNumber = 9

DecimalNumber = 10

Separator = 11

List = 12

Email = 14

GlobalCounter = 15

SubTable= 20

DocumentState = 21

Tree = 22

GeographicLocation = 24

Link = 25

Telephono = 26

StateList = 27

File = 28

ValueAllocator = 29

Signature = 30

ListCheck = 31

ListUsers = 32

Button = 33

Field Label

Indicates which wording will be reported inside the cell in the data sheet. The label does not necessarily have to be the same as the field name.

Column Label

Indicates which wording will be inserted at the head of the column within the data grids. The column label is normally identical to that of the field, but it may be necessary to keep them different.

Field Name

Indicates the actual name of the field within the database.

This is the name to be used within each setting or function of the program to allow its recognition.

After its creation it is no longer possible to modify it.


The flag indicates that the field must necessarily be completed within the data sheet or grid where it is located. In the event of non-compilation, the program will block the data saving procedure.

Column text color

Sets the color of the text inside the cell in the data grid.

This value is not applied for mobile devices.

Column Background color

Sets the background color of the cell in the data grid.

This value is not applied for mobile devices.

Display column

The flag indicates that the column is displayed inside the data grid and by removing it the column will be hidden.

This option is not available for mobile devices.


Identifies the width of the field within the data sheet which can be total, whilst the cell can measure the same as the data sheet, a half or a quarter. This value is used by all types of devices.

In this example, the Anagraphic data label has a total width.

The Full name cell measures half the width and the First Name cell a quarter.

Detail text color

Sets the color that will be applied to the text entered in the field cell on the data sheet.

Detail background color

Sets the color that will be applied to the background of the cell on the data sheet.

Detail label color

Sets the color that will be applied to the text of the field label inside the cell in the data sheet.