The Fields

The fields are the basic unit for the entering of data by the user. The type of field identifies the data and format that can be archived, whilst, in addition, certain types of fields can also perform complex operations such as managing relationships between tables, retrieving information from the Internet, etc.

There cannot exist two fields with the same name within the same table. It is important to remember that after creating the field, its macro typology cannot be changed; that is, a field defined as text cannot be converted into a number. On the other hand, it will be possible to convert a text field into an email field, since the two types manage alphanumeric information.

Once the field has been created it can only be deleted if the database is local.

To manage the fields, enter the Options section and select the Fields page.

Within the grid it is possible to view the main data for each field, modify the label that will appear on the table's data sheet or the column label inserted in the grids. From here you can also quickly change the permissions by selecting the category of users.

Table Name

Name of the table.

Field Name

Name of the field.

Field Type

The type of the field.


The label that will be displayed inside the cell.

Column Label

The label that will be used on the column within the data grid.


The permission indicates the categories of users who can view the field.


The permission indicates the categories of users who can modify the field.


Indicates that the field must necessarily be completed. Otherwise it will not be possible to save.

Adding a new field

To create a new field, press the Add button. In this way the field management window will be displayed in which the main values for its creation will be inserted.

The essential values are the name of the table and the name of the field. As already mentioned in the same table, two fields with the same name cannot exist. To fill in the field name insert the field label and the program will automatically create the name.

All other values can be left as they are and can be modified if required after the creation of the field.

Field deletion

To delete a field select it from the grid and press the Delete button. The field will actually be deleted only if it is not used in other contexts or it is not classified as a system.

Field export

The field can be exported for installation in another database. Upon pressing the Export button, the program will ask for the file name before proceeding. The package will be installable only within databases with the same initial seed.

The export will take with it all the information necessary to ensure the reconstruction and operation of the field. For example, if you export a Sub-table field, this will also bring the table associated with it.